Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Best Job in the World

Yesterday, as I was running myself crazy trying to get everything done that I needed to, I just kept having this thought go through my mind:  I have the Best Job in the World!  Despite what the world would say that keeping house, grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking are not as glamorous as other careers, I am extremely happy doing what I do.  Tom came home at 11:30 for lunch and by then I had already taken a one hour body combat class (it's like kick boxing ---my arms are sore today!), I had gone grocery shopping at Walmart and made a huge trip to Costco.  When he walked in the house, the counter was FULL of food needing to be put away.  I looked at him and said, "You know----I really love being a mother.  I love driving all over town getting things for my family, coming home and putting them away, then cooking a nice dinner for them.  I really am so happy---"  It's the truth.  

This was taken on Mother's Day, 2011 - Hailey made me a card!

Mother's Day 2011 - Spencer's book to me!

Now, having said that, I know that I need to spread my wings and develop myself and MY interests more so that when my family all grows up and leaves home I will not crash and burn.  (even though that will most likely happen because the thought of them leaving makes me so sad!)  So, I am trying to develop new talents of writing music.  It's so fun for me and I really love doing it.  I just find it really hard to sit down and give myself the time when I know there are so many others things that need to be done.  This week, I am going to really carve out some time----even if it's just 10 min. a day---that would really make a difference.  I wrote another new song last week---the melody is so pretty but Tom and I need to take time to work on the lyrics.  Plus, I am still behind in putting three other songs on my computer.  That is what takes the most time- entering the notes on my songwriting program.  But, I'm not giving up---I need to do this.  I know I have been given a gift of music and I just need to take more time to OPEN the gift and use it.  Just like my friend said in her testimony that I commented on yesterday---how can I be truly grateful for something that I have not taken the time to study and understand?  OK - I'm adding this to my "To Do" list!!

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