Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spencer, my Sunshine!

Yesterday, I picked up Spencer from school for a Doctor's appt.  I was so worried that it would be during school pictures and he would miss them so I called ahead to the school to make sure he had already taken them and sure enough, everything was ok.  Pictures were taken in the morning and it was 11:00.  So, I got him out of school and the minute he sat in the car he said, "Aw mom, why did you have to get me out of school NOW?  We were at computers and we were doing something really fun!!"  You know, as a mom, sometimes you just can't win.  I try my best to keep everyone happy but sometimes in order to do everything we need to do, something's gotta give . . . including a fun computer class.  

At the Doctor, we found out that Spencer is struggling with allergy triggered asthma right now.  His lungs were so bad that the doctor prescribed him a steroid for 3 days to open him up quickly.  Poor guy - he always gets sick before we go out of town.  (Tom and I are headed to Provo tomorrow for the BYU Alumni Conference).  Anyway, as the doctor was examining him, I couldn't help but think how stinking cute he is.  

I have called Spencer, "My Sunshine" since he was a little boy.  I never ever thought I would have a blond haired, blue eyed little boy as cute as him.  When he was a baby, I would sit him on my lap and sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!  You make me happy when skies are grey.  You'll never know, dear, how much I love you---Please don't take, my Sunshine away!"  Most times I could hardly get through the song without tearing up because my emotions would get the best of me.  I couldn't believe (and still can't) that Heavenly Father would give me such a sweet, righteous, FUNNY, helpful, and kind little boy like Spence.

He is growing up and I couldn't be more proud of all he is doing.  
 Here is Spencer at his flag football game last Saturday night. 
 His team is the Cardinals.

 We brought donuts and juice for the team for after the game.  
They LOVED it!!!

I just can't imagine a day without Spencer in my life.  He brings us so much happiness and joy.  I will forever be grateful that I was chosen to be his mother.  What a blessing he has already been in my life!!

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