Thursday, May 3, 2012

Temple Days

Thursdays are my "temple" days.  It's my most favorite day of the week.  Today I took a new friend with me to the temple.  She just moved in our ward from Florida and we found out that we have so much in common.  We had such a great time talking and getting to know each other.  When I asked her what made her choose Gilbert over Chandler or Mesa to move to, she said a huge factor was the new Gilbert temple being built.  She loved the idea of living close to a temple . . . and so do I!  It is so much fun to watch the temple's construction progress and see it change on a daily basis.  We are truly so blessed to live so close to a temple like this and I can't wait for it to be completed.  Their estimated completion date is not until late 2013.  So, I'll just have to wait.  In the meantime, it is such a blessing to even drive by and feel the spirit of that holy place.  

Kelsey's friend, Hailee Hoover, took this photo with her I-Phone and just edited it a bit for coloring.  Pretty cool, huh!

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