Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Kelsey is doing these days . . .

Last night was Kelsey's last orchestra performance of her Junior High Career.  We are so proud of all she has done and how much she has improved on the violin.  She auditioned for the chamber ensemble this year and made it which meant extra rehearsals at 7 a.m. every Monday morning.  But, it was a great honor for her and has helped her become a much better player. 

It's not the best picture because I took it with my phone, but Kelsey is the third girl from the left.  You can always tell which one she is by the cute white and red bow in her hair!

 There she is again with her chamber ensemble.  Again - look for the white bow in her hair.  She is directly in the middle of the picture.
 This chamber ensemble is a much smaller group than her orchestra.  When the rest of the 8th graders came up on stage, it tripled in size!  Our favorite piece was "Pirates of the Carribbean!"

I hope Kelsey will keep up this beautiful instrument so it will be a blessing to her throughout her life.  It's difficult in high school (with seminary) to fit in all the classes she needs to take.  I don't know if she will do orchestra next year, especially since she is auditioning  for the Campo Verde dance team yesterday and today.

She had such a big day yesterday:

12:00 - early release from school
12:15 -1:00- piano lessons
1:30-2:40 - eat lunch and get ready for dance auditions 
3:00-5:30 - High School Dance Team Auditions
6:00-6:40 - Eat dinner and get ready for concert.
7:00 - 8:30 - Orchestra Concert
Homework . . . bed!!

Kelsey wanted a yogurt parfait for breakfast today and this is what I came up with.  It looked so yummy!

Today after school she will head directly over to the high school for more dance auditions, then come home, shower and eat dinner, then go to her piano recital with Spencer.  May is a crazy month!!!
Good luck sweet Kelsey!!

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