Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Last Kindergarten Graduation

This week began a long list of "the lasts" . . .  It was the Last Kindergarten Graduation for me and with it came a lot of emotion and memories.  I thought back to Kohler's kindergarten days.  I could have sworn that he had a kindergarten graduation but as I looked back through old photos (before the age of digital cameras) I noticed that the one who graduated that year was Tom from his Orthodontic Residency!  I must have been thinking about his preschool graduation pictures.  Kohler didn't have a kindergarten graduation.  I guess that is something they didn't do in our school district in Oregon.   Kohler attended Templeton Elementary.  

But he sure was an adorable kindergartner!

Kelsey was our first kindergarten graduation and it happened our first year here in Arizona.  Kelsey attended Power Ranch Elementary.  I can't believe that this week was Kelsey's "last" day of Jr. High.  Where has the time gone??

I miss the innocence of those days.  Actually . . . in many ways, Kelsey is still like the little girl in this picture.  She still loves her Unicorn, "Uni", and is sweet and innocent towards life.  
Spencer's graduation came next and he was our first kinder to go to Quartz Hill Elementary.  

I can still picture those beautiful blue eyes staring up at me.  He has that same look in his eyes---even though he is 10 years old now.  

But our little Hailey is our very LAST kindergartner.  She goes to Quartz Hill Elementary and has loved every minute of school.  She is a very bright little girl and went to 1st grade for reading and math which was great to keep her interested in school work, but took some adjusting when she noticed that she was missing an extra kindergartner recess to go to 1st grade for that time. (not much gets passed her! ha ha)

Here is Hailey with her awesome teacher, Mrs. Silveira.  I am so glad that she has loved kindergarten.  
As I look back on these years with my kids, I am so glad that I have very little regrets.  I did the best I could to go to their classrooms and help with reading groups or class holiday parties.  I went on every field trip I could and tried to support their activities to the best of my ability.  So, at the graduation, I did get teary-eyed, but they were tears of gratitude.  I am so grateful that I have been able to be alive and healthy enough to take part in the lives of my children like I have.  So many other mothers struggle with other issues in their lives and I admire them for the tremendous burdens that are placed on their shoulders ----and then, for rising above them the best they can.  This life is a journey and looking back, has it been perfect thus far?  Heck no----but I have learned a lot, cried a lot, laughed a lot, and prayed a lot.  Graduations are wonderful milestones in life to reflect not only our achievements, but our blessings-----and I have four of them that I completely adore!

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