Friday, May 11, 2012

So Happy Today!

I am so happy today!  This week has been a really good one even though it has been super busy, it's been very productive and fun!  First thing---I have lost 5 pounds and I can't tell you what that does for my spirits!  Yee haw!!  Second, we had an incredible thunderstorm two nights ago and that just makes me smile from ear to ear.  I absolutely LOVE summer thunderstorms!

 I love the way the earth smells after it has had a shower---so clean and fresh!

Third, you can notice that our pool is drained in the background.  That is because we finally were able to fix our pool slide and waterfall.  It has been cracked in several places and looking pretty dingy and faded.  Also, the slide has lost it's slippery sheen and was pretty rough on the kids' bottoms!  We hired some workers to come and give it a facelift ----AND we hired a landscape lighting guy to come and fix our outdoor lights that haven't been working for several years.  Oh happy day!

 Fourth - I was able to take a "morning after the thunderstorm" bike ride yesterday and I was absolutely in heaven. I LOVE MY BIKE! The cool wind on my face and the fresh smell in the air was medicine to my soul.  I also said my morning prayer in my mind---thanking my Heavenly Father for blessing me with an incredibly joyful life.  My marriage is so wonderful and our children are doing great things.  Not all days with children are so happy, especially with teenagers - but this week is a great week and I'll take it!
 I took this picture on my bike ride to show how strong the wind gusts were during the storm.  This branch was completely broken off!  "We have very weak trees . . ."  (quoting The Money Pit!  ha ha)
The final reason why I am so happy today is that this week I was able to finally complete the two songs we are using for our stake pioneer trek.  I wrote and arranged both of these songs and have put countless hours on the piano and the computer getting them finished.  Every note has to be individually hand-clicked with a mouse on the computer.  I am getting faster and learning the program which is helping a lot.  It is just a tremendous sense of accomplishment for me to see these pieces in this finished state.  Now, I want to do the same for the Christmas song Tom and I wrote and another song I wrote for a stake Refinement Night several years ago.  Hopefully this summer I can those done too.  I am so grateful for music and the blessing it is in my life.  

Count your blessings . . . name them one by one . . . 


Nancy said...

Wow! Composer and Lyrisist! I had no idea. I mean, I knew you were talented and oh so positive, but WOW! What a wonderful example you are for me Tamara. And congrats on 5 lbs, that is a huge accomplishment!

The Chamberlain Family said...

Nancy - I cannot get on to your family blog. It says I have to be invited. We would love to read about what your family is doing! Oh, and thank you for the kind words about my music. It's my secret passion :)