Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spencer's 10th Birthday


 I will never forget the night before Spencer was born.  I walked outside to put something in my car and I looked up into the stars and said, "Spencer, I cannot WAIT to meet you and get to know you!  What are you going to look like?  What will your little personality be like?" 

 Little did I know, that the little spirit growing inside of me would turn out to be one of my most cherished possessions----one that brings a smile to my face each and every day of my life!
 Spencer has always made us laugh!  He has such a contagious personality and has the ability to make others happy wherever he goes.  Ever since he was a little boy, he would do these random funny things that would make us all crack up!
Take a look at those eyes . . . NEVER in my life did I EVER think that Tom and I would have a blond haired-blue eyed child.  When he was first born, my mom said, "I don't think he is going to look like your other kids!"  She was right---he doesn't have Kohler and Kelsey's coloring at all . . . and I LOVE IT!

I have a nickname for Spencer---"Sunshine."  I don't call him that very often anymore because it makes him embarrassed-- but when he was really little I used to call him that everyday.  I would sing him this song as I rocked him to bed (if I could sing it without getting too emotional!):

"You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine,
You make me happy, when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take . . . my Sunshine away."

  The sun gives light and warmth to all who are around.  This is exactly what I think of when I think of Spencer.  I tell him almost every night that my life would not be the same without him in the world.  I love this little boy with all my heart.  He has so much love to give and is so kind to everyone.  I wish him the happiest of birthdays today and can't wait to see what joys lie ahead for him.
Spencer woke up to birthday wishes all over his door!  (it's a family tradition)  Happy 10th Birthday Spencer!!

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