Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Every morning I wake up and I am faced with a myriad of "choices."  Choices of what to eat, what to wear, what exercise routine to do, what chores to tackle, what projects need attending to, what errands to run, etc. etc. etc.  Most mornings my mind races through all the endless choices of things I need to do and by 9 a.m. I feel like I am already behind.  One of our office staff asked me the other day how my life is having Hailey in school now----if I have lots of time to MYSELF now that she is in school.  The answer was YES, I do have more time to myself and I am able to get so much more done now that she is in school.  She asked me, "So, what do you do during the day?"  I didn't even know where to begin with the list of things that consume my waking hours!  

Some days I really struggle with things that need to be done and things I want to get done.  I always feel the need to keep my home clean and organized----that alone-- seriously, could take my entire day, 7 days a week. Keeping up on vacuuming, dusting, LAUNDRY, grocery shopping, home maintenance, paying bills, etc. is enough for a full-time position.
  Then, there are the things that come up that you can't plan for.  "Mom, I left my violin at  home.  Can you please bring it to school for me?"  Of course, I drop everything to help my child because I know they are trying hard to do what's right and everyone forgets stuff once in a while.  (heaven knows my mom did that for me a lot!)

But something I am struggling with today is balancing good, better, and best.  I received a text message the other day from a friend of mine whose health is really poor.  She needed a ride to and from a doctor's appointment in Phoenix and I knew it would be about a 3 hour chunk of my day.  I had planned my day to work on some musical projects that I have been called to help with in our stake for the upcoming Pioneer Trek.  Everyone in our ward knows that I have the calling of Relief Society teacher but hardly anyone knows that I have also been working on writing/arranging songs and also researching and compiling a songbook for the youth to take with them on their pioneer trek.  I have spent HOURS on this project!  My deadline is coming up and I am feeling the pressure to get it done.  So, unfortunately, I texted her back that I wasn't able to help drive her.  I really felt the need to work on this stake calling and I had already set aside time to do so.  In my mind, I was still serving the Lord . . . but all throughout the day, it just kept eating at me that I didn't choose what was BEST.  A line from my patriarchal blessing came to my mind that reads, "I bless you that you will always be found on an errand of the poor and the needy."  It didn't say that "most times" or "occasionally" ---it said, "always."   I decided right then, that if I was to be serving the Lord, that it should be through helping His children first----then, He can help me accomplish the other tasks that are placed before me.  I hope I can get another chance to serve my sweet friend in that way.  I have helped her with her laundry and shopping and know that she really is in need.  I just hope that when the opportunity arises again, I will make the BEST choice and help feed His sheep.  

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