Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Seussical is Over

"Seussical the Musical"

Kelsey and Spencer performed 8 shows in the last two weekends and now they are suffering from major PPD (post-play depression!) We are all suffering . . . being a part of a show, even for me backstage and in the audience, is such a wonderful and emotional thing.  There is a sort of let-down after it's over.  Just like a fun vacation---you want it to continue on and on and on . . .
Spencer is on the left in the red sequin vest (third kid in from the left) and Kelsey is to the left of the Cat in the Hat on the right side.  

Since it was their last weekend for performances, we decided to get Kelsey some beautiful yellow roses and Spencer got a fun candy bouquet (perfect for boys!)
 This picture cracks me up because Hailey was SO mad that she didn't get a candy bouquet.  She is not afraid to show her true feelings!  ha ha

 Many of their cousins and aunts were able to come to their last show.  It was super special for them to hear everyone cheering them on!
 It's a fuzzy picture but here is Mary Jo, the artistic director, hugging Kelsey after the show.  
 Here is Hailey with Jana, the "Sour Kangaroo!"
 This is Bre, one of Kelsey's sweet friends from the show.  She even shared her roses with Hailey!
 This picture really made Hailey smile---Dale picked her up and wanted to take a picture with her.  (remember, Hailey has a big crush on Dale :)  The Grinch even snuck into the picture!  ha ha
I have some more professional pictures to add later but there are over 2,000 of them on a disc and I don't  have time to sift through them this morning.  What an incredible experience for our kids.  We feel so blessed to live in this area and have the means to be able to give our kids these fabulous opportunities!

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