Monday, February 6, 2012

Three Shows Down, only Five more to go!

Here is the entire cast of "The King and I."  I love how the royal palace turned out and with all of the colorful costumes - it's a very gorgeous set!  Tom is in the top row, middle, Kelsey is in the group of girls on the left, top row, 2nd girl, I am in the group of girls on the right, 2nd row and I am standing right next to Kohler who is by the GONG.  :)  Spencer is in the top row of children on the right in a green outfit, and Hailey is in the very front row of children, on the left, in a bright fuschia outfit.  

 The first dress rehearsal, we had all of our stuff thrown in three different dressing rooms and it was making me crazy.  So, the second dress rehearsal, I set up camp right on the dressing room floor.  This way everyone in our family knows where the makeup and hair stuff will be and I don't have to run around like a crazy woman trying to find where someone left my lipstick! ha ha
 Ahh . . . so pretty!
  . . . at warm-ups . . .

 Kohler, looking very tough in his guard outfit.  They wanted to put him in a vest that would show his muscles, but the other guards didn't feel as comfortable showing off their upper bodies.  Too bad Kohler . . .  you still look tough anyway!  :)
Yesterday, when we all came home from church, we were sitting around the table eating chips and salsa.  Kohler said, "Mom, I am really going to be sad when the show is all done."  I about fell off my seat because this kid gave us such GRIEF about having to come to rehearsals, and how this was all so stupid, and "not for him."  Tom and I about threw in the towel that first week hearing him complain and constantly having a grouchy face on during rehearsals.  But, yesterday, he admitted he was a bit of a jerk that first week.  He told me that he never realized how much work goes into putting a show on and he is actually proud of it!  (hallelelujah!  do I hear angels singing???)  He has made a lot of new friends and has really grown to like the theater.  He actually asked if he could help stage manage for the next show.  Wow - never thought that would happen.  

 Cute and lovable Kelsey is so easy to make friends with other people!

 Here we are with a bunch of the cast at Barro's between shows on Saturday.  We've become a little "King and I" family and it's pretty cool to get to know such awesome people!
 Our next show is Thursday when we will do an elementary performance for children in the morning (just the first act) and then a full performance in the evening.  Then another one Friday night, and two more on Saturday.  

We have a busy week ahead of us--but I haven't heard ONE complaint.  I have actually heard, "I can't wait to do our show again!  When do we go back to the theater??"   

I am smiling . . .