Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy 14th Birthday to Kelsey!!

My first daughter is 14 years old today and my last daughter just turned 6 years old in December.  I can remember when Kelsey turned 6 years old.  Has it really been 8 years??

Here is my birthday princess now at age 14.  Wow!
 (We saw this Happy Birthday crown at Designer Blvd. and couldn't resist it!  C'mon---she's worth it!)
 I can't even begin to describe the joy that this darling daughter has brought into my life.  She is like a best friend to me and is my right-hand whenever I need her.  She is ultra sympathetic and kind to others and tries super hard to please her mom and dad.  

When she was a little girl, people would say to me, "Oh, your daughter is so pretty.  You'd better watch out when she grows up!"  Well, now she is at that stage when she is maturing and has become beautiful INSIDE AND OUT.  (But Tom and I still keep a close watch--he has a baseball bat close by in case any boys get funny ideas now that she can go to stake dances!  ha ha)

 Kelsey and her friends are obsessed with mustaches!  So - I had to put a mustache on her birthday decorations this morning!

14 years ago today actually at this very minute (it's 11:59 a.m. the very time she was born!) Kelsey came into my world . . . and my life has never been the same since.  She is such a wonderful example of purity and she radiates the pure love of Christ in all she does.  I have never had to get after her for the music she listens to, or the clothes she wears, or words she uses.  She is the epitome of "grace" to me and I want to be more like her in every way. 

I love you Kelsey . . . you are an angel daughter to me and I will eternally be grateful to my Father in Heaven for trusting one of his most precious daughters to my care.  Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!