Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who is My Leader?

Yesterday, Tom and I were discussing politics, as we have many nights these past few months.  He and I have both noticed ourselves getting more and more agitated as we fear for the future of our country.  Knowing that today is election day and that the future of our country rests very much in the hands of those who are voted to lead, I had a wonderful realization that has helped calm some nerves inside me. 

 I love this country.  I am so proud to be an American.  I am so grateful for those who fought and gave their lives to ensure freedom for me and for my children.  What a debt of gratitude I owe to those valiant Americans.  I also respect the office of President.  Even though I may not share the same political beliefs as our current president, I respect him as our leader nonetheless.

Free photo of an American flag flying in the wind

However, as I pondered the word, "leader" I instantly thought of another man . . .

Thomas S. Monson, Mormon Prophet

Thomas S. Monson.  HE is my leader.  HE is the one who my family and I will follow no matter which president is elected today.  As I thought of him yesterday, a flood of peace entered my heart and I instantly knew that no matter what, we will be OK.  Yes, things may change for us politically and financially and it may not be the easiest next 4 years if good, honest men and women aren't elected.  But I know in my heart that if I follow the prophet and encourage my children to do the same, we will not be led astray.  No voting took place, no campaigning, no negative ads . . . just a simple man who was called of God to be His humble servant. 

 I love him.
 I honor him.
 I respect him. 

Today, I have no need to fear.


Nancy said...

Thank you for that peaceful insight. It has been strange that as election time has neared so has our famiys' urgency to get our food storage and finances in place. Fear of the political future or faith in the prophets? A little of both I am afraid but I will move forward now with more faith.

Kirsten said...

Thanks for that. I was looking for a distraction from this knot in my stomach and all the anxiety and I found what I needed here.

Vicki Maclay said...

This is so what I needed to hear. I feel more at peace knowing this is true. Thank you for sharing!

Tom said...

Tamara, your beautiful insights have helped everyone who has read this, I believe. It is just what all of us need to hear. I agree with Nancy that I have both a bit of fear for our future for our children, but also hope in that we have a prophet and the Gospel to get our family through. In the end I know that hope will overcome the fear.

The Evans Family said...

Beautiful Tamara! Exactly what we have been trying to focus on in our family. It's a difficult time right now but we are so blessed to know who we can follow for safety and peace.