Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday Service Project

Our Phoenix BYU Alumni Chapter joined with the City of Mesa Parks and Recreation to help build a playground for a park in Northeast Mesa on Saturday.  We were the largest volunteer group there, besides Fry's Grocery Store which supplied all of the delicious food for the event.  I was really proud of all of the BYU Alumni who showed up to give several hours of their time on a busy Saturday.

 Here is Spencer and his friend Zach, brushing dirt off of a wall to get it ready to be painted.

 We also had kids activities that BYU provided.  The children were able to help tie fleece blankets that we are donating to the victims of the tornadoes in Alabama.  But Hailey and Spencer, after tying a few knots on the blankets decided that they wanted to "build" and do what the grown-ups were doing!  They really worked hard!
 Tom, Tamara, Kelsey, and Hailey---all wearing size XL t-shirts.  (I need to know how to tie mine in the back so it doesn't look like a tent! ha ha!) We gave over 4 hours of service each.  That's 20 hours of service (including little Spencer!)
 Spencer really helped with the digging!
We stuck by the motto from BYU--"Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve!"

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