Saturday, November 8, 2014

Catching up, again . . . last day of summer/first day of school!

I LOVE to throw summer pool parties!  When the last day of summer was fast approaching, I sent out a quick text to some friends and invited a ton of kids over.  When you have a really fun pool, a Hawaiian Shave-ice machine, and great kids . . . it's a no brainer! ha ha

 Hailey and her best friend, Isobel wanted an indoor picnic.  So, why not?  Of course, Panda was invited too!

 My heart broke a little on that first day of school, because for the last 3 years, Hailey has been able to walk to the bus stop with her older brother.  Now Spencer is starting Jr. High and his bus leaves 45 min. before hers.  Life is changing and it's all good . . . but there are small moments when I can't help but wish time would just freeze.
 When did these kids get so big?

Hailey's teacher is Mrs. Alberda and she is SUPER nice.  On that first "Meet the Teacher Night" though, we all thought she looked a little like Elphaba! 

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