Saturday, November 8, 2014

Braces, Kucken, Kelsey's YW Medallion and lots in between!

 I woke up one Sunday morning to find that Tom had made these pancakes for the kids!  How cool is he?!?  I just LOVE that guy!
Kelsey and her sweet friend, Amalie :)

These boys are some of Kohler's best friends:  Colt, Aaron, Jake, Braden, Wesley, and Tristan.  They are all leaving on their missions soon (except Colt who was just baptized)  Couldn't have asked for a more fun group of guys for my son to be around during his Senior Year!

This is Colt, one of Kohler and Kelsey's friends.  He got baptized and it was super special.  What a great kid!

 Awesome Angie helped her and was super patient and cute with letting her mix the impression material and answering ALL of Hailey's questions!

 How cool is it that your dad can put your braces on?  Pretty cool!

 Hailey auditioned for a performance dance team over at Dance Connection 2 and she was chosen to be on the team!  Yeah Hailey!  Now she goes two nights a week for two hours each night.  She is such a super dancer and really loves performing.  We love watching her!

OK - so this year I had some minor surgeries done on my veins.  Now, in November, I have a total of 8 procedures done.  (EVLT = Entrovenous Laser Technology)  Basically, the doctor went in and lasered shut those veins in my legs that were extremely stretched out due to childbirth.  After the surgeries, I go down for lymphodema treatment.  That is what those large gray sleeves are on my legs.  The machine pumps air in them and it tightens up hard like a blood pressure cuff.  It really feels good and helps with the circulation.  I just bring a book or catch up on my emails while I'm in there for 45 min.

Tom is the best father ever!  He loves going on campouts with his boys and Spencer is one lucky dude.  

 While the boys were gone I got the itch to make one of my mom's special recipes:  Apricot Kucken!  OH MY GOSH - it's one of my all-time favs! I think I ate half of this by myself!  

 I took some pictures to send to Kohler in Argentina---I thought he might be missing his home and these pics turned out so pretty with the flowers all in bloom.

There was even a rainbow over the Peterson's home across the street.  So pretty!

The best part about this month was that Kelsey received her Young Women's Medallion.  I could not be more proud of this girl.  She is beautiful inside and out and is such a darling daughter to me.  She makes me laugh, she helps me when I'm down, and she is such a sweet older sister to Spencer and Hailey.  We love her so very much and are so grateful that she is making good choices in her high school experience.  WE LOVE YOU KELSEY!!!!!

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