Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kelsey's 15th Birthday!

Kelsey decided to have a fun birthday party at home this year (since we went overboard on the limo party last year!)  She loves to make homemade decorations and she is really good at it.  It's hard to tell in this picture but she cut out and glittered all of these stars then hung them up herself.  It looked super cute!

We made Cafe Rio style pork salads and they were delicious!!

 We had so much junk food----it was crazy!  After dinner s'mores, candy, chips, shave ice . . .  it was awesome!
 Sorry this isn't in focus better but here is Kelsey with her friends Claire, Hailee, Taylor, and Sarah.  They are all in our stake and are really good girls!

 I think Kelsey likes these pants!!
 Oh, and this mustache sweatshirt!

 She wanted to have a photo shoot with her friends so she set up a backdrop and we brought out silly jackets that we bought at Goodwill for everyone to try on.  We also found some hipster glasses at Forever 21 and those were a real hit!

 Here's Kelsey with her friend, Mackenzie, teaching her how to make a yummy shave ice.

 We've never done a shave ice birthday candle before----but it worked!  ha ha!  That's what you do when your daughter prefers that over a birthday cake.  :)

I am so proud of her.  She is such a righteous daughter, beautiful on the inside and out!  I just can't believe she is 15 years old!!!

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