Friday, October 13, 2017

Wedding Plans and Fall Fun!

Spencer is our resident pool man.  He would clean every Saturday to earn money for...well, whatever.

Hailey and Hannah off ice-skating.
Kohler and Suzy took some amazingly beautiful engagement photos!

Tamara and I stopped off at the Back 40 Restaurant outside of Heber.  It is a beautiful view of Hever valley.

We decided to put up a barnyard wall.  We bought all the materials (we thought) and spent a record 14 hours putting it up.  Despite all the expletives, the wall went up without harming our eternal marriage and our physical bodies.
So we went to the ends of the earth, then kept driving to a small town called, Eagle Mountain,  for a lantern lighting.  We bought the lanterns and took a seat, then found out the lantern lighting wasn't for another 5 hours!  We took the photo as proof we were there, then left for home.  We got to see a part of Utah that we thought we would never see again.

Hailey had her first girls camp.  She is a natural at making friends.

Some drone fun

Family dinner!
Hailey played the flute in 6th grade.  She was able to perform for the primary program in our ward.

Spencer played sophomore football.  Best looking guy on the team!
General conference weekend.  We loved lounging in the spirit of the weekend.
After Priesthood meeting we met up with Steve Hixon at a mexican restaurant.  I love going to priesthood with my boys!  Some of the highlights of my year.

Two absolutely gorgeous people! 

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