Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Women's Conference

My sisters and I decided to make it a goal to attend BYU Women's Conference this year and we actually made it happen!  All 4 sisters, plus my mother, all flew in to Salt Lake City for a fun-filled weekend.  We stayed at our home in Draper, which is always super fun for me.  I love that place!  Mom actually flew in first so I was able to take her out to lunch at the Ridge Cafe up in Suncrest near our home.  It has such beautiful views and the most delicious wood-fired pizza.  

As soon as Melanie, Mary Kay and Suzanne made it in safely, the laughter began and it really didn't stop until the end of the weekend, ha ha!  We all went out to dinner with our only brother . . . Stubba (aka Steve).  He makes us all just crack up and we had so much fun spending time with him!  

The Women's Conference at BYU was very inspiring, as always, and we tried to attend as many speakers as we could.  I was so happy that I could catch up with my two good friends, Melissa Thatcher and Kris Booker.  Melissa was my counselor when I was RS President and Kris was my VT Coordinator.  Both, were invaluable to me as a friend, and in my calling.  They are such dedicated disciples of Christ and I absolutely love them to death!  

On Saturday, my mom took us all to Salt Lake where we had fun walking around City Creek Mall.  It is a gorgeous shopping mall with an actual creek running through it---so beautiful!  Mom made reservations for us to eat at "The Roof" Restaurant at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  The food there is superb and the view of the SLC temple is breathtaking.  Mom was so sweet to pay for all of us and we had so much fun talking and reliving our childhood memories.  The laughter continued well into the late evening as we sat by my fireplace back at our house and talked forever.  Sisters and moms can do that!  

Oh - so fun---a photographer from BYU came up to us and asked if we could have our photo taken.  We didn't think a thing of it, quickly posed, then were on our way.  The next day, we saw our photo in the BYU Instagram page and it was such a great photo that I called BYU and asked if we could have a copy!  They sent me the photo and I had it enlarged and framed when I got home.  That will be a treasure to me . . . a memory of a fabulous weekend with my mother and sisters.  

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