Monday, May 16, 2016

Kelsey's Graduation from High School and Spencer Golden Scholar

 The day finally came that our little girl was graduating from High School.  Truly, time goes SO fast and it's unbelievable how you look back and think, "Where did the time go?"  Kelsey has been such a joy to raise.  She is a very sweet and fun-loving girl who has learned through good and bad choices, that her Father in Heaven is always looking out for her.  We are so happy with the young woman she has become and look forward to her next big adventure in college!


 We are SO proud of Kelsey that she graduated from seminary with a 4-year diploma!  That is SO awesome!!!  It means just as much, if not even more, to me than her HS Diploma.  She absolutely loved her seminary teachers, especially the one this year and I will forever be grateful to them for helping her build her testimony of the Savior through the inspired seminary program.

 Kelsey and Taylor put on a really fun GRAD Party for their friends and the weather was perfect for a night of swimming and hanging out by the fire!

  Of course, we had to make a t-shirt quilt for Kelsey because it's tradition now!  She was involved in so many things that it was hard to choose which ones for the quilt but I think it turned out really nice!  What a great memory blanket to keep all of her life!!

 Spencer was a Golden Scholar this year!  Yahoo!  We were able to attend the ceremony for the award recipients.  We are super proud of him!

 Jayna Hedges and other photographers took Kelsey out for a photo shoot and these are some of the most amazing photos we have ever seen of our daughter.  They turned out amazing!  Kelsey is such a beautiful girl and the photographer was a National Geographic Photographer who had won several awards.  You can see why . . . .

 Mother's Day with my sweet children!  My favorite place to be!

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