Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I Love To See the Gilbert Temple!!!

On January 18, 2014 my family went through the Open House of the Gilbert Temple.  Tom had to work because it was a school holiday and those are really busy days for him.  But he was able to go through the temple several times afterwards.  It was a VERY crowded day but it was SO worth the wait!

My sister MaryKay and her sweet family joined us too!

The temple was more beautiful that we could ever describe.  The beautiful agave plant theme was woven so intricately throughout the temple's interior and exterior design.  The architect chose the agave plant because it represents the desert where we live. But it also represents families---when the new young agave leaves grow, the older, more mature leaves leave an impression on the younger ones--just like our ancestors leave impressions on each generation that comes after them.  I love the symbolism in this plant to eternal families.  It's so inspired!

Rehearsals soon began in January for our Cultural Celebration.  Here are some fun pics of our kids learning their dance called, "Toma Mi Mano" which means, "take my hand" in Spanish.  It was the cha-cha!!

Tom and I were called to be the Stake Music Directors so we were able to be at all the rehearsals and help lead the music.  Another blessed calling that we were extremely humbled and grateful to receive.  

I had also been praying for weeks that somehow, I would get an opportunity to serve in the Open House.  Nothing seemed to come my way---I would hear of other people getting asked to do certain things but no ushering opportunities came around to me.  So, I figured that I had better ask around if I could help to whomever I saw.  One night, at a wedding reception, I talked to a good friend who knew of a need for more people to push people in wheelchairs through the tour of the temple.  I quickly called the coordinator the very next day and sure enough, she needed another volunteer.  My prayers were answered and I was completely overjoyed.  

I was able to tour the temple 15 times during that month long open house and help the sweetest people in wheelchairs view the Lord's House.  I got to know 15 different people and their stories about their conversion or non-members and why they were visiting the temple.  I was able to talk to them, teach them about the temple, and become friends with them.  It was something I looked forward to every Tuesday and Friday from 10:45-2:30 for 4 weeks.
So, we weren't allowed to have our cameras (phones) out while we were serving as an usher, so I had to take a "selfie." But, I just wanted to remember these 4 weeks and what it felt like and looked like. 
Here is a close-up view of the tag so you can see the picture of the temple on it.  What a wonderful opportunity that was to serve!

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