Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best Piano Teacher Ever . . .

We were lucky enough to get my mother for a few days while she was here in Arizona helping my sister with her new baby!  (Brady was born on August 24th and is SO adorable!)  Anyway, while she came over and visited, she gave Kohler some precious piano advice!

He is working on "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera and is playing it so beautifully.  His grandma just helped him turn it into "extra beautiful!" 
 She is the best teacher and I was so grateful that Kohler listened and was teachable.  He has always been that way.  What a great quality to have!

 These are precious moments for him and for me!

Kohler is her very first grandchild and has always had a special place in her heart.  I'm so glad they can share this talent of music together!

1 comment:

The Evans Family said...

Those pictures are so sweet Tamara! And how on earth did Kohler get to be so old??!! what a handsome boy.